I made this vignette using downloaded models of an Alien xenomorph and some starship walls (links to the models/authors at the bottom) and a custom-made base for a starship corridor.
oil wash
Rookie mistakes e.04 – Wash Penetration
Tips and tricksAnother example of a mistake with the oil wash application – The stencil decals remain soaked with the oil wash after the wash removal.
Rookie mistakes e.02 – Dirty boy
Tips and tricksThis “dirty boy” maybe looks like another example of overdoing the weathering, but actually it’s a different mistake. Let me explain it.
In order to achieve the effect of dirtiness and accent the panel lines I’ve used the popular “oil wash” technique. The good side of this technique is that you can’t overdo it because you can easily remove the excess oil wash with the oil thinner. But I made a mistake.